February Mtg.; 11Feb 2011, 7pm on Zoom -- Clark MacAllister; Native Plants in North Georgia

Post date: Feb 02, 2021 6:0:12 PM

The Historical Society meets on Zoom, at 7:00 pm. Thursday, February 11, 2021. Our guest speaker will be Clark MacAllister who will speak about Native Plants in North Georgia.

Join us a few minutes before 7 pm at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84059734976?pwd=WG1PQnV5TzJzNXNDdVYveHg5TTlYdz09

This meeting will be recorded and available soon after the presentation at our YouTube Channel: LCHS YouTube Channel

Have you ever looked out into the woods and wanted to know more about native plant species? UGA Extension Agent Clark MacAllister will speak about native plants and their roles in nature and society. He will also speak on some interesting plant diseases which had devastating impacts on north Georgia forests, and how plant diseases still impact us today.

Clark MacAllister is the UGA Extension Agent for Lumpkin and Dawson Counties, and he has been in this role since 2012. He attended the University of Georgia and earned degrees in Horticulture and Pest Management. Clark provides education, technical advice, and conducts research in many areas of agriculture, including tree management, home landscapes, vegetable and fruit gardening, and wine grape production. He currently resides in Dawson County with his wife and two boys.

Clark MacAllister