Awards 2009
Madeleine K Anthony Award: Unnamed Recipient, Chris Worick
Certificates of Appreciation: Appalachian Studies Center, Trahlyta Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Marilou Kinney, Gary McCullough, Olivia H. Robinson, Friends of the Gold Museum, Jack Anthony, Wayne Knuckles, Margo Booth, Sharon Hall, Matt Aiken, Ross Hall
Essay Contest Winners
Ada Spahija, "History of the Smith House."
Charlotte Marie Gaston, "The Lumpkin Hand Ditch."
Jace Armstrong, "The Almost Bank Robbery: A Real Event in Dahlonega History."
Micaela Reynolds, "Significant Places in Lumpkin County History, Camp Frank D. Merril and NGCSU."
For full details please see Vol 34 of the Now and Then Newsletter.